Sheffield TUC and BFAWU sign partnership agreement

New Trade Union Organiser for Sheffield

On 14 February in Sheffield the partnership agreement between Sheffield Trades Union Council and BFAWU (the bakers union) to employ a part time Sheffield Union Organiser to work on the Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise campaign was formally signed.

The General Secretary of BFAWU, Ronnie Draper spoke at the ceremony as did Cllr Chris Peace, Sheffield City Council and PPC North Derbyshire, Bill Adams, TUC Yorkshire and Humber’s Regional Secretary, Bob Jeffery, President of Sheffield TUC and Martin Mayer, Secretary of Sheffield TUC.

The new organiser will work across the low paid, unorganised sectors in the city – in retail, fast food, hospitality etc. to reach out to unorganised workers across Sheffield’s disparate jobs market and fight against low pay, zero hours contracts and the slump to the bottom in Britain’s deregulated labour market. This is the first time a dedicated union organiser post has been created for a city and not tied to a particular trade union.