Sheffield Stop and Scrap Universal Credit Campaign

“It affects us all”

 Campaign Objectives

Sheffield TUC has called together all supporting organisations to collaborate in a joint campaign to Stop and Scrap Universal Credit. In order to launch this campaign effectively we are asking those supporting organisations to sign up to the following objectives, as agreed at an initial meeting held on 17th January 2019


  • To run a coordinated and collaborative campaign across Sheffield aimed at stopping and scrapping Universal Credit
  • To maximise the number of organisations and people who are involved in the campaign
  • To develop a programme of targeted campaign days around the city in different locations including outside Job Centres, markets and shopping areas
  • To increase awareness of the broad impact of Universal Credit on households in Sheffield affecting not just the unemployed, but also those on low pay and/or part time work, including families with children, pensioners etc.
  • To draw attention to the fact that Universal Credit is the culmination of a sustained attack on social security support which has suffered £37B of austerity cuts since 2010
  • To directly involve Sheffield citizens in our campaign with the message “this affects us all”, and seek their support.
  • To provide signposting and initial support to those directly affected
  • To articulate the alternative to Universal Credit – i.e. a social security system based on rights and humanity, not blame and punishment, that genuinely supports individuals and families with dignity when in need and unable to support themselves financially, so that all may liva at an acceptable minimum decency threshold.


If your organisation can agree to sign up to the above objectives, please email your assent to fao Martin Mayer Sheffield TUC Secretary