Many thanks to all the union branches, Labour Party branches, and other organisations and individuals who have responded to our Funding Appeal to pay for our Sheffield Union Organiser Rohan Kon. We are delighted to report that we have now not only covered our share of Rohan’s salary for this year, but have begun covering  our 2021 costs as well. Fundraising events included a sponsored walk up Kinder Scout on Saturday 5th September with over 20 participants. Thank you to all those who took part. Please do continue to make donations payable to Sheffield TUC (see below for bacs details).

Discussions with BFAWU are taking place to agree a renewed partnership deal 2021 so we can continue this important work. What we are doing in Sheffield is getting noticed. The European Food Workers Union Federation (EFFAT) recently sent a Swedish project worker to shadow Rohan to learn from us what we are doing. Other UK Trades Councils are looking to see if they can set up similar schemes in their areas. Rohan is now back out in the field after lockdown, meeting face to face with workers and following up contacts. Work is now starting on building a city-wide fast food rights workers committee – the first step to collective union organisation.

The Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise academic report SNAP report Tackling Labour Market Injustice and Organising Workers – The View form a Northern Heartland  was launched online in July. You can download the full report on www.lowpaysheffield  and the 4-page Executive Summary is attached the-view-from-a-northern-heartland-executive summary. Sheffield is the UK’s “Low Pay Capital”- which makes it even more important to fund a Sheffield Union Organiser to help get young low paid workers in exploitative workplaces into a union!

Please make your donation by bacs to:

Account name: Sheffield Trade Union Council

account no: 59109499   sort code: 60-83-01

Use reference: Union Organiser Appeal

Please also email confirmation to so that we can acknowledge receipt and keep you informed of the campaign.


If you cannot pay by bacs then cheques should be made payable to Sheffield Trade Union Council, marked “Union Organiser Fund” on the back. Please post to The Secretary, Sheffield Trades Union Council c/o Trades & Labour Club (Front Door Post Box), 200 Duke Street, Sheffield S2 5QQ