Please help us fight the Fire Service cuts! The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) need your help to stop another devastating (and unnecessary*) round of austerity cuts to OUR Fire Service
- 84 Firefighters’ jobs are at risk
- Fire engine crews to be reduced from 5 to 4 firefighters
- 50% cut in Sheffield night cover; to be reduced to one fire engine and 4 crew members
* Fire service reserves stand at £25.4M – yet the Fire Service don’t want to touch that!
Labour Councillors on the S. Yorks Fire Authority fortunately did not endorse the proposed cuts, and instead voted to “note” the report. This means the cuts are on hold – for now. A consultation process will now take place, which gives us time to campaign and make our voices heard
Neil Carbutt and Matt Nicolls from FBU and Cllr Paul Wood addressed out Sheffield Trade Union Council Delegate meeting – see the report of that debate here: Report of debate on S.Yorks Fire Service cuts STUC delegate meeting 23 April 2019
Please ask your Labour Party/Trade union branch to pass the FBU model motion which you can find here: FBU resolution on Fire Service cuts
Also please sign the petition – see link
and see this message from Matt Nichols FBU chair
Firstly I’d like to thank you for giving myself Neil and Paul the opportunity to speak at your meeting on Tuesday night below is a link to the Petition discussed on Tuesday.
Would it be possible for you to distribute to the members or the trade council.
We need 5000 signatures to force the debate.
Your support is greatly appreciated
Matt Nicholls
FBU Chair