You can get coach travel to the big London demonstration organised by Peoples Assembly or join us for a local rally in Barkers Pool Sheffield 11am till 1pm
London – National Peoples Assembly march and rally
Not One Day More #ToriesOut National Demonstration
SATURDAY 1 JULY – NATIONAL DEMONSTRATION Not One Day More #ToriesOUT Assemble 12pm, Saturday 1 July 2017 BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA March to Parliament Square
For tickets on coach from Sheffield please email Carrie Hedderwick, Sheffield Peoples Assembly on
This event is also supported by Sheffield Trade Union Council which is contributing to coast of coach hire
UNITE members and their families can book free travel – go to
Sheffield – Lunchtime rally Barkers Pool
In support of Labour’s “national campaign day against the Tory’s continued programme of austerity”, Momentum and Young Labour Sheffield are hosting a rally at Barker’s Pool on July 1 (11am-1pm). There will also be speakers from Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise, Unite Community Union, Disabled People against the cuts etc. We’re hoping that Sheffield’s newest MP Jared O’Mara might also be able to join us.
More info here:
This event is also supported by Sheffield Trade Union Council (we are currently seeking a speaker to represent Sheffield TUC)