Sheffield Trade Union Council is calling a “Sheffield Council of Action” video conference on Tuesday 31st March at 7pm.
The coronavirus lockdown and the Government’s response has affected people in our city greatly and they need a voice and they need help – fast.
What is a Council of Action and why are we doing this? Please see draft statement attached for a fuller explanation: Sheffield Coronavirus Action Committee
Basically in order to respond effectively to the coronavirus crisis, Sheffield TUC believes we have to create a much broader body than just the trade unions. This will give us a more powerful voice when speaking out on behalf of Sheffield citizens especially working class families who are struggling, workers who have lost their jobs,and those continuing to work. We can raise demands with the authorities, exchange ideas and views and act as an online lobbying and campaigning organisation. And ultimately offer a vision for a better fairer society after the crisis is over.
We are inviting union branches, South Yorkshire Trades Councils, campaign organisations and political groups that generally share a progressive vision and want to help. Open also to individuals who share our concerns and want to get involved
The format will be an introduction by Sheffield TUC President Bob jeffery followed by three brief presentations; Rohan Kon our Sheffield Union Organiser, an NHS professional, and Martin Mayer Secretary Sheffield TUC. It will then be open to discussion and debate (contributions will be limited to 2 minutes each).
Don’t worry if you haven’t done this before. If you have a pc or laptop, or a smartphone and an internet connection, you can do this!
Firstly, you will need to download Zoom using this link We look forward to you joining us
Martin Mayer and Bob Jeffery
Sheffield Trade Union Council
Attachments area