“Enough is Enough” demonstration and rally, Sheffield Saturday 1st October

Assemble 1.30 am Devonshire Green. Set-off 12 noon on demonstration through the city centre. Final rally Barkers Pool
Sheffield TUC Executive Committee has this week responded to the call from Enough is Enough* for actions across the country on Saturday 1st October with a decision to host an event in Sheffield
We are urgently seeking endorsement from union branches across the city – and in particular from unions striking or considering strike action – as we need permission to use their logos on a leaflet (which is being drawn up at the moment). We are also seeking similar endorsement from campaign organisations – and use of their logos – e.g. climate/buses/anti-racism/food banks/poverty/ benefits action etc etc.
Obviously time is short to publicise this event so please do all you can to spread the word and encourage your friends, family, union branch, campaign organisation to support
What is clear is that “Enough is Enough” sums up how we all feel – the current assault on pay, the cost of living crisis and the assault on our standard of living , the near collapse of our NHS and other public services has gone too far and must be reversed. It is time for us to stand up and make it clear to the Tory Government and its new PM that we are no longer sleeping – we have awoken, we’re angry and we are prepared to fight back. Indeed we have no choice. 
* see below info from Enough is Enough!  https://wesayenough.co.uk/about-us/

“Fair pay, affordable bills, enough to eat and a decent place to live. These aren’t luxuries – they are your rights!”

Enough is Enough is a campaign to fight the cost of living crisis.

We were founded by trade unions and community organisations determined to push back against the misery forced on millions by rising bills, low wages, food poverty, shoddy housing – and a society run only for a wealthy elite.

Our five demands are clear:

1. A real pay rise
2. Slash energy bills
3. End food poverty
4. Decent homes for all
5. Tax the rich

We are building a campaign to win them.

That starts with holding rallies across Britain, forming community groups, organising picket line solidarity and taking action against the companies and individuals profiting from this crisis.

We can’t rely on the establishment to solve our problems. It’s up to us in every workplace and every community.

So, if you’re struggling to get by and your wages don’t cover the bills, if you’re fed up working harder for less and you’re worried about the future, or if you just can’t stand to see what’s happening to our country – join us.

Enough is enough. It’s time to turn anger into action.

To contact Enough is Enough, please email mail@wesayenough.co.uk

For press inquiries, please email press@wesayenough.co.uk

Enough is Enough!
Communication Workers Union - supporting Enough is Enough.Tribune Magazine - supporting Enough is Enough.ACORN - community union - supporting Enough is Enough.Right to Food Campaign - Supporting Enough is Enough.

Promoted by Chris Webb on behalf of Enough is Enough Ltd of 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ