Tuesday 24th May Sheffield Trade Union Council delegate meeting
7pm to 9pm Trades and Labour Club, downstairs room, 200 Duke Street S2 5QQ. Please use side entrance on Talbot Street.
Our speaker will be Manuch Manuch from South Yorkshire Migrant and Asylum Group (SYMAAG) who will be accompanied by a Kurdish speaker. South Yorkshire Migrant and Asylum Group (SYMAAG) is doing incredibly important work supporting asylum seekers, protesting the Government’s hostile environment, and showing real solidarity with our diverse ethnic communities. He will be joined by a speaker from the Kurdish community who have faced unwelcome police interest following the proscription of the PKK
Trade union members who are not delegates are welcome to attend our meetings but only delegates may vote on any item.
Wednesday 25th May “Remember George Floyd” Take The Knee event
5.30pm Devonshire Green, Sheffield. Black Lives Matter! Organised by Sheffield Stand Up to Racism.
Held to mark the second anniversary of the murder of George Floyd that sparked the explosion of global Black Lives Matter protests, Stand Up To Racism groups across Britain will be holding #TakeTheKnee events to mark his death and raise the issue of ongoing institutional racism. In Sheffield we will be joining The TTK group at Devonshire green to kneel at 6pm.
Thursday 26th May Sheffield Violence Against Women and Girls Forum
12.00 – 1.30pm Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99286161249?pwd=VlBVK0hWYjVRem1zYkdzcTBrcGJ3UT09
Meeting ID: 992 8616 1249 Passcode: 866971
Dear Sheffield TUC
I am writing as my team are servicing the recently established Sheffield Violence Against Women and Girl Forum which has agreed to invite representatives from trades unions to send reps to the meetings. I’ve attached the draft TOR which we hope to sign off at the meeting next week May 26th at 12 noon – if you could circulate this to your membership, I would be very grateful. I appreciate it is short notice for next week’s meeting but in case anyone can attend as an observer if not a rep.
We are finalising the agenda but have attached it as time is short – if any TUs or the Trades Council manages to confirm a rep before next week let me know and I’ll get them added to the mailing list and will send over the other papers. Best wishes”
Alison Higgins, Strategic Commissioning Manager for Domestic and Sexual Abuse, Sheffield Drugs and Alcohol | Domestic Abuse Co-ordination Team, Sheffield City Council
Telephone – 0114 20 53671 Mobile – 07792 336 148
Floor 9, West Wing, Moorfoot Building, Sheffield S1 4LP
Sheffield Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 808 2241 www.idas.org.uk
For domestic and sexual abuse privacy/consent information : http://sheffielddact.org.uk/domestic-abuse/resources/privacy-notices/
For drug and alcohol privacy/consent information: http://sheffielddact.org.uk/drugs-alcohol/resources/privacy-notices/
Friday 27th May “Between Two Worlds” film premiere
6.20pm Monday 23rd May at Curzon and 3pm and 8pm at Showroom on Friday 27th May.
“A naturalistic docudrama starring Juliette Binoche as an undercover reporter set on exposing exploitative working conditions. Adapted by Carrère from journalist Florence Aubenas’ non-fiction bestseller The Night Cleaners (Le quai de Ouistreham), Between Two Worlds unfolds in the wake of the 2008 global economic collapse. Marianne Winckler (Binoche) relocates to the port city of Caen in order to pass herself off as a member of a large community of itinerant workers desperate to make ends meet. She gains employment as a cleaner on a ferry travelling between Ouistreham and Portsmouth, recording the drudgery of the work she and her colleagues are required to do. At the same time, Winckler grapples with the ethical and moral dimensions of posing as one of the workers, balancing the need to highlight the lives of her colleagues with her subterfuge. Her dilemma is heightened as the women develop bonds of friendship and community, displaying a resilience and sense of fun beneath the hardship of their work. Binoche once again shows her versatility, never portraying Devynck as a crusader, nevertheless conveying the perspective of someone who feels her exposé is worth a level of sacrifice.”
Sunday 29th May “End US Blockade on Cuba!” Public Meeting
1pm to 3pm Sheffield Showroom Room 5 with Elizabeth Ribalta Rubiera from The Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples. Organised by Sheffield Cuba Solidarity campaign
Monday 30th May TUC “Town Hall Meeting” to build for 18th June demo
7pm to 8.30pm Sheffield Cathedral, Church Street Sheffield. Organised by regional TUC as part of a series of public meeting s around the country to build for the national TUC “We Demand Better” demo in London on Saturday 18th June. Register here: https://www.megaphone.org.uk/events/sheffield-demands-better-town-hall-meeting
Working people have had enough. Everything’s going up but our wages. Ministers partied while people died. Now they do nothing while living standards plummet and companies like P&O unashamedly break employment laws. It’s time for a new deal for working people – real help with energy bills – and a pay rise. Let’s tell this government: we demand better.
Monday 6th June Better Buses S. Yorks lobby of Mayor’s Offices
9.15am at the SYMCA offices (11 Broad St West, S1 2BQ). This is the first meeting of the Mayoral Combined Authority since Oliver Coppard was elected S Yorks Mayor and the 4 Council leaders will be in attendance. We need to keep up the pressure for urgent action to improve our bus services including progressing franchising without delay. We need as many people there as possible to show the breadth and size of our campaign. Please bring banners, placards etc! (Oliver Coppard has agreed to come and address the lobby and publicly sign a commitment to moving forward on franchising).
Please let all your contacts know and spread the word in campaign /union/community groups you are involved with. If you use Facebook and/or twitter please share the event widely. Find us on @betterbusessy
“Matthew and I met Oliver Coppard, the new Mayor of South Yorkshire, last week and had quite a positive discussion with him focusing on the pledge we developed during the mayoral campaign. He introduced us to the newly appointed Franchising Progress Manager and outlined his plans for progressing the investigation into franchising.
Advance warning: our next meeting will be on Friday June 10th at 11am. We have also been asked to provide a speaker at a Cost of Living meeting on Monday May 30th at Sheffield Cathedral 7pm- 8.30pm organised by the regional TUC. Thanks to all of you who have supported the campaign for better buses in so many ways. We have had an effect on decision making – we need to keep up the pressure to make sure we see the changes our communities need. All the best – hope to see you on June 6th!” Fran Postlethwaite, Convenor Better Buses campaign
Wednesday 8th June Leafleting to build for 18th June
- Volunteer to lead leafletting at a station near you
- Day of action is Weds 8 June
- We will send you leaflets and guidance and direct volunteers to you
- There will be a map of dates and stations on our website
Leafleting day-of-action – Wednesday June 8th
“Help build attendance for the We Demand Better demonstration. Around the country, people are leading leafleting hand-outs at a train station or community hub. Can you step up to lead leafleting near you? We’ll post you flyers, help recruiting people to help and support you every step of the way.”
Anthony Hayes Digital Campaigner, Trades Union Congress (TUC)
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th June National Trades Councils Conference
Saturday 9.30 am to Sunday 1pm Leicester Hilton. Delegates from Trades Councils all over England and Wales will be assembling for the first live conference for 3 years. Delegates must be proposed by their Trades council or County Association. The conference will set the agenda and programme for trades Councils over the coming 12 months.
Saturday 11th May Dave Gibson Annual Labour History Lecture
“Saltley Gate and the Glorious Summer of 1972” Professor Ralph Darlington and Pete Shaw. Doors open 1pm Barnsley Civic, Hanson Street, Sheffield S70 2HZ. See flyer attached.Dave Gibson annual labur history lecture 11 june
Dave Gibson was Chair of Barnsley Trade Union Council and a much-respected figure within the movement. Since his death some years ago, Barnsley TUC has marked the anniversary with an annual labour history lecture. All welcome.
13th June to 9th July PalFest Sheffield 2022
Often misrepresented, Palestinians have a story of beautiful resistance, expressed in a vibrant culture, which resonates in our city of Sheffield. Palfest also recognises that Sheffield has a continuing struggle to renew itself as a post-industrial northern city, beset by adverse conditions. Yet the city has maintained generosity and openness most prominently through its self-declaration as first City of Sanctuary .We are developing on firm foundations of solidarity built over more than four decades in our city. We root our festival in the Sheffield communities for which Palestine has an abiding and central significance. The Festival will celebrate these connections and more through June and early July with Palestinian food, dance and music, with exhibitions and talks, with creative and sports activities for children and youth. There will be a focus on women sharing their stories and experiences. Look out for announcements about exciting city centre events on the 25th June, 2nd July and a presence at Sharrow Festival on the 9th. The Palfest organisers are a diverse group of Sheffield people who stand in solidarity with people of Palestine https://palfestsheffield.co.uk/programme/
Saturday 18th June “We Deserve Better” National TUC demonstration in Assemble 11am at Portland Place, London. Rally at 1pm Parliament Square
Sheffield TUC has hired a 53-seater air-conditioned coach with toilet to take us to London for this big London demo which is supported by all the trade unions and the TUC.
Please book your place on the coach now!
Coach departs Paternoster Way, Sheffield S1 (outside Showroom Cinema) 8am prompt. Assemble Portland Place from 11am. Rally Parliament Square 1pm. Coach returns 3.30pm/4pm
tel or text: Carrie on 07531079268 to book your seat(s)
then please pay by bacs to secure your booking. Account name: Sheffield Trade Union Council Account no: 59109499 Sort code: 60-83-01 ref: coach 18/06
Seat prices/pay as you can afford:
Unwaged/low waged £5, £7 or £10 Waged £15, £17 or £20
Please email tucsheffield@gmail.com
to confirm booking/payment and receive receipt/ticket
NEU have hired their own coach. This in addition to the Sheffield TUC coach. We will be coordinating to make sure no one is turned away whilst seats are unfilled on the other coach
“On Saturday 18 June, trade union members will be taking to the streets to demand action on the cost of living – a new deal for working people – and a pay rise. Families across the country are bearing the brunt of the cost-of-living storm. Everything is going up but our wages. Ministers partied while people died. Now they do nothing while living standards plummet and P&O lays off hundreds of workers on the spot. Enough is enough. We demand better. It’s time for a new deal for working people – real help with energy bills – and a pay rise. Whatever our race, religion or background, everyone deserves a decent standard of living. On 18 June, in London, let’s tell this government: we deserve better. We’ll be marching with thousands of people from all over the UK, followed by a rally in Parliament Square. Everyone is welcome – and this is planned to be a safe, family-friendly event. We would love for you to attend this demonstration and share details with your supporters. Please bring your banners and placards raising the issues that are affecting your members and supporters. I hope to see you and your members and supporters in London on 18 June.
Yours sincerely Frances O’Grady General Secretary”
Saturday 18th June Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign rally
Assemble 1:00pm, City Hall, Barkers Pool, Sheffield S1 4FT
“Come along and support the Annual Orgreave Rally organised by the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign, commemorating the 38th anniversary of the Miners’ Strike and the events at Orgreave.
Please bring banners, placards, drums, whistles, family and friends. We will not be silenced, we won’t go away and our vibrant campaign for truth and justice will honour our right to commemorate, celebrate, educate and protest.
Led by the Unite Brass Band, come and march with us through Sheffield City Centre and support our call for an Inquiry for Truth and Justice for Striking Miners brutalised by the state and police at the Orgreave Coking plant on 18th June 1984”
Sarah Woolley – General Secretary – Bakers, Food & Allied Workers Union
Chris Kitchen – General Secretary – National Union of Mineworkers
Morag Livingstone – Film Director, Author & Activist
Kevin Horne – Miner arrested at Orgreave – Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign
Eileen Turnbull – Researcher / Secretary – Shrewsbury 24 Campaign
Neil Findlay – Former Member of Scottish Parliament – Scottish Miners’ Review
Weekend 18th-19th June LGND Worker Climate Conference
Venue: Foodhall, Brown Street, Sheffield, S1 2BS. Organised by Labour for a Green New Deal.
LGND aims to contribute to the necessary development of a worker movement which can address climate change by hosting a national ‘Worker-Climate Conference’, in the aftermath of Labour Party Conference and COP26. To achieve this, LGND’s Trade Union team will bring together the range of organisers engaged in this work, to build relationships; discuss experience; and plan future strategy.
In between now and June, we are planning a series of 4 online sessions to supplement the in-person work at the conference.
The dates for these online sessions are:
Saturday 19th February, 10:30-12:30 Topic: Evaluation of Worker-Climate Organising in 2020/21
Saturday 19th March, 10:30-12:30 Topic: Just Transition and Worker Power
Saturday 23rd April, 10:30-12:30 (TBC) Topic: Local Organising
Saturday 28th May, 10:30-12:30 (TBC) Topic: Models for Organising in UK Unions
Monday 27th June Commemoration of Bill Ronksley’s plaque
10am to 12 noon outside Town Hall then inside for refreshments and reflections on Bill’s life.
“Much delayed by COVID, we will assemble outside the Town Hall on Pinstone Street to formally ‘unveil’ the plaque commemorating Bill Ronksley’s life. Attended by Lord mayor of Sheffield, ASLEF President and other national figures, CPB speaker, local ASLEF branches and Sheffield trade unionists”
Saturday 2nd July Yorkshire march for the NHS, Leeds demo
“We have had an annual NHS march in Yorkshire since 2011 but not of course for the last few years and are delighted to be back on the streets again this year just 3 days before the NHS’s 74th birthday. You will see that we are placing a heavy emphasis on safe staffing and pay justice for health and care staff as well broader investment in the NHS and an end to privatisation.
As usual we are aiming to combine protest with celebration and solidarity as it feels particularly important to nurture hope at a time when almost all the news is bad. We are planning to make the march an upbeat, family friendly event with music and a touch of theatre. The PCS Samba band will be leading us as always. We are intending to have a group of patients/people waiting for treatment in dressing gowns, pyjamas and hospital gowns with crutches etc. as this was very eye catching on our Feb 26th protest and hopefully a group of people in vintage clothes representing the state of health care before the NHS was set up. We are also expecting to have some wandering folk musicians and maybe some singers too. We anticipate support from Leeds TUC but would love to have TUC and trade union banners from around Yorkshire on the march. Many thanks.” Gilda Peterson,
Secretary, Leeds Keep Our NHS Public and Yorkshire Health Campaigns network (also Regional RUC retired members forum member)