diary of events


  • Saturday 28th August Jeremy Corbyn comes to Sheffield!


      2pm Crucible Theatre/Tudor Square

The Crucibles’ entire 950 seating capacity was sold-out on Facebook within 12 hours! So Jeremy will speak first to the (inevitably!) big crowd outside Crucible on Tudor Square at 2pm before heading inside to speak to theatre audience. N.B. We are expecting a huge crowd in Tudor Square so if you do have ticket PLEASE go inside for a 2pm start as there are a series of other speakers before Jeremy returns from outside.

  • Tuesday 1st September Rally and protest v Sheffield Bus Cuts


1pm South Yorkshire Joint Secretariat, Regent Street, Barnsley

South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Authority meets to decide on SYPTE’s proposed Sheffield bus network cuts – which could lead to 10% less buses on Sheffield’s streets. Organised by South Yorkshire Freedom Riders and supported by Sheffield TUC and Sheffield Peoples Assembly.

  • Friday 11th September “Defend Our Unions” public meeting


      7pm Central United Reform Chapel, Chapel Walk

Speakers include Tosh McDonals (ASLEF President); Ian Hodson (BAFWU President); Rally against the Tories’ new anti-union Bill plus solidarity with Greek unions v austerity 9includes live link-up). organised by Sheffield Trades council and Unite the Resistance. Chair Martin Mayer (Sheffield TUC).

  • Saturday 19th September “Time to Act” National Climate Change Conference


      10.30 for 1100-1700 one-day conference, Sheffield College (see flyer attached)

Organised by Campaign Against Climate Change Trade union Group (CACCTUG) and Sheffield Climate Action withsupport from Sheffield TUC. Prominent international speakers, report back from ITUC Climate Jobs Conference (There are no jobs on a dead planet!)in paris; workshops etc. Louise high MP to speak. £10/£5 conc

  • Tuesday 22nd September Sheffeld Trade union Council Delegate Meeting


      7pm Sheffield Trades and Labour Club (use entrance on Talbot Street S2 2TG)

Speakers include Stuart Crossthwaite with Zimbabwean trade unionists seeking asylum in UK. Marian and Victor have a great deal of experience and knowledge of the trade union movement in Zimbabwe. They are both in the UK because their political activities and criticism of the ZANU government led their victimation and subsequent attempt to find safety in the UK. Their attendance would be a rare chance for British trade unionists to learn from the experiences of our brothers and sisters from Zimbabwe. It is also a chance to understand better the system of asylum and what life’s like for refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. We hope Sheffield TUC will give its support to refugees and the organisations supporting them in Sheffield.

Also Jenny Patient Sheffield Climate Alliance with report back from National Climate Change Conferen cein Sheffield on 19th September

  • Sunday 4th October TUC rally against Tory Party Conference, Manchester


Please join us (and tens of thousands of others!) in a massive street protest against Austerity – and especially the new attacks on Trade Union Rights!