Diary of Events November 2016 – January 2017

14-19 November ‘Dare Devil Rides To Jarama’ by Neil Gore, Townsend Productions 7.30pm The Lantern Theatre, Kenwood Park Road, Sheffield, S7 1NF. Theatre Show: ‘Dare Devil Rides To Jarama’ by Neil Gore- about 1930s speedway superstar and wall of death rider, Clem ‘Dare Devil” Beckett who joined the International Brigade to fight in the Spanish Civil War marking the 80th anniversary. Townsend Productions, in association with IBMT Harrogate Theatre, The Place Bedford and Unite the Union

(Box office: 0114 255 1776; www.lanterntheatre.org.uk tickets £5 -£30 ★★★★★ ‘Dare Devil Rides to Jarama is quite simply the best political theatre produced for a long, long time.’ MORNING STAR
Saturday 19th November “Profiting from children in prison: G4S and outsourcing”

1000hrs to 1600hrs. Day school organised by Stop G4S Sheffield and South Yorkshire. Quakers Meeting House, St James ST S1 2EW. Speakers: Carolyne Willow children’s rights campaigner and author of ‘Children Behind Bars’

Clare Sambrook investigative journalist for OpenDemocracy.net,

Eric Allison prison correspondent of the Guardian since 2003

Kiri Tunks Defence for Children International Palestine (DCIP)

Workshop sponsored by South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Barnsley TUC Admission Free (Room hire and refreshments donations welcome). See flyer attached.profiting-from-children-in-prison-19-nov


Saturday 19th November – Help needed in city centre!

Sheffield Peoples Assembly stall outside Town Hall 12 noon till 2pm All help welcome

SUTR stall in town, 2-4pm on the Moor. All help welcome


Tuesday 22nd November Sheffield TUC Delegate Meeting 7pm Trades and Labour Club 200 Duke Street Sheffield S2 5QQ (use side entrance on Talbot ST)

Guest Speakers: Eileen Turnbull Shrewsbury 24 Campaign . 24 pickets were arrested after the 1972 national building workers strike and charged with conspiracy. Some including Ricky Tomlinson and Des Warren were jailed. The call for justice is as relevant today as it was then.

David Etherington – Austerity and Devolution. David presents the major findings of his research into the effects on local communities of a City Region Devolution deal that devolves central government’s austerity spending cuts onto our local government structures.

PLUS: all the latest on our fantastic Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise Campaign.

Visitors/observers welcome. Please register at the door


Tuesday 22nd November Sheffield Festival of Debate – “Our NHS is under Pressure -Why?” 7pm Quakers Meeting House St James St Sheffield. Expert panel includes Chair of Sheffield NHS Clinical Commissioning Group; Chief Executive, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust; Deputy Director, Sheffield School of Health and Related Research (University of Sheffield), Dr john Carlisle and others. Sponsored by Sheffield Save Our NHS.

Flyer attached debate-on-nhs-22-nov


Wednesday 23rd November UCU Andy McEwan Memorial Lecture

“Neo-liberalism, deregulated labour markets and BREXIT” Speaker Martin Mayer

5.30pm University of Hallam, Cantor building Arundel Street, Sheffield


Wednesday 23rd November – Sheffield Stand Up to Racism rally

7pm, Central United Reformed Church, corner Norfolk St/Chapel Walk. Speakers include Cllr Magid, Cllr Maroof, MEND, Rotherham12 and Amy Murch NUT. STUTR flyer: stand-up-to-racism-events-and-news-november-2017


Thursday 24th November    Building Bridges Beyond BREXIT



Friday 25th November Sheffield Stand Up to Racism Community Meal

Fundraiser for refugees. Pay what you feel. Sharrow Community forum, Old Junior School,

South View Road S7, 7.30-10pm


Thursday 24th November BOYCOTT SATS Public Meeting

7pm to 9pm Victoria Hall, Methodist Church Norfolk St Sheffield S1 2JB. Public Meeting for parents, teachers etc. Creche available, Organised by NUT. Flyer attached.boycott-sats-24-nov-public-meeting


Thursday 1 December Stop the War Public Meeting “The War in the Middle East: Why More Bombing Won’t Help Syria”

19:00-20:30hrs Room 1031, Owen Building, Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street
Sheffield S1 1WB


Friday 2nd December Candlelit vigil for refugee children.

Railway station to Town Hall, 5-6pm. Organised by Sheffield Stand Up to Racism


Tuesday 13th December Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise 2nd Coordinating Committee meeting

7pm United Reform Chapel. All those interested in taking a active role in this essential campaign are welcome to attend. Get involved and help us make this campaign a success.


Saturday 17th December Sheffield Needs a Pay Rise demonstration

Assemble 12 noon Devonshire Green. March through city centre then rally at Barkers Pool with speakers. Organised by Sheffield TUC in alliance with many unions and other organisations


Tuesday 3rd January 2017 Action for Rail Day of Action at rail stations nationwide


Leafleting Sheffield Rail Station 0800hrsto 0900hrs Organised by Sheffield TUC


Saturday 21st January Morning Star Burns Supper

Wortley Hall. Raises funds for Morning Star.


Friday 27th January 2017 – Holocaust Memorial Day.


Saturday 4th March 2017 With Banners Held High

Unity Works Wakefield. Sponsored by Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign and NUM. Flyers attached.with-banners-held-high-march-2017with-banners-held-high-march-2017-2