NHS 70th Birthday demo in London 30th June

Saturday 30th June NHS 70th Birthday London demo Save Our NHS


see link here for details NHS 70th Birthday demo 30th June 2018 Sheffieldcoach details leaflet

Coach transport from Sheffield organised by Sheffield People’s Assembly with support from Sheffield TUC £10 return. Details now available

Pick up 7.30am – Barnsley (opp. Parkway Cinema near  railway station, 62 Eldon St, S70 2JL).                         8am – Rotherham (Mecca Bingo, Corporation Street, S60 1NG).                                                                       8.30am – Sheffield (The Hubs, Sheffield Hallam University Students’ Union, 6 Paternoster Row, S1 2QQ).         9am – Chesterfield (Town Hall, Rose Hill, S40 1LP).

Transport will leave London around 4-5pm (estimated times).

Ticket prices: £20 waged, £10 unwaged

Our NHS is 70http://www.facebook.com/events/210881349517304/

Tickets can be bought using http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/sheffield-transport-to-our-nhs-is-70-national-demo-tickets-46592865515