Sheffield TUC
Sheffield Trade Union Council is the city’s local TUC, bringing together trade union branches and their members from across all sectors across Sheffield. We are sometimes also known as Sheffield Trades Council.Established in 1858 Sheffield Trade Union Council is the oldest in the country. It’s maintained its tradition of being a progressive voice for trade unions and working people right up to this day.
Sheffield TUC has an affiliated structure so union branches are encouraged to affiliate on the basis of (currently) 25p per member per year. Affiliated union branches elect delegates to attend our meetings.
We hold monthly delegate meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the month (except August and December) at 7pm in Sheffield Trades and Labour Club, Duke Street Sheffield S2 2TG. The Executive Committee is elected from delegates at the AGM which is held in February each year.Sheffield Trade Union Council has a strong tradition of providing solidarity support to unions in dispute and helps to provide a coordinating role for union campaigns on pay, pensions, privatisation etc. We provide an essential forum for unions to have a voice in the local community, speaking out against racism, inequality, exploitation and injustice wherever it arises.
Dates of Meetings for 2020
Executive Committee
(3rd Tuesday of the month)
21st January 2020
18th February 2020
17th March 2020
21st April 2020
19th May 2020
16th June 2020
21st July 2020
No August meeting
15th September 2020
20th October 2020
17th November 2020
No December meeting
19th January 2021
Delegate Meeting
(4th Tuesday of the month)
28th January 2020
25th February 2020 AGM
24th March 2020
28th April 2020
26th May 2020
23rd June 2020
28th July 2020
No August meeting
22nd September 2020
27th October 2020
24th November 2020
No December meeting
26th January 2021
Our Philosophy
Sheffield Trade Union Council’s philosophy is based on the belief that trade unions are a force for good in society, giving workers a voice in the workplace and standing up for health and safety, rights at work, fairness, respect and equality.
We provide an essential forum for unions to have a voice in the local community, speaking out against racism, inequality, exploitation and injustice wherever it arises. But of course trade unions’ main role is to fight for the best terms and conditions possible. For this reason we believe all workers should join a trade union and be covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Regrettably trade unions are under attack in this country and restricted by the most repressive anti-union laws in the western world. it can be hard being an elected trade union representative and many of us face threats and even dismissal by hostile employers. Hence the decline in collective bargaining from around 85% of workers covered by one in 1979 to less than 25% today.
It is no surprise that this same period has seen the absolute decline in workers’ overall share in the collective wealth of the nation and the increasing concentration of wealth in the hands of a tiny and fabulously rich elite. We may be a smaller movement than we were in 1979 but we are still the largest civil society democratic movement and we insist on making our views known!
Current Office Holders
All of those here are eligible for nomination for 2018-2019. To make a nomination, you can fill out a digital form.
Bob Jeffery, UCU
Maxine Bowler, UNITE + one vacancy
Martin Mayer, UNITE
Ian Furness, UCU & Louise Blake, NEU
Executive Committee
Julia Armstrong (NUJ): Ray Jackson (ASLEF): Simon Murch (NEU): Carrie Hedderwick (UNITE): Les Wray (UNITE): Sam Morecroft (UCU) + (2 RESERVED WOMENS PLACES): 2 vacant places